Workshops – film education camps
second edition
Our invitation to children and teenagers is to come to a themed workshop, respectively a film camp. This will take place in a natural setting so that most of the filming will be outdoors, combining physical and recreational activities with professional activities.
The chosen location is Piatra Craiului Natural Reserve, Plaiul Foii area, a location already known and experienced by our team.
Specifically, we have a number of 18 participating children, in the 10-14 age groups, whom we will divide into two mixed groups (girls-boys, balanced and according to age). The children of each group will be, in turn, both protagonists-actors and members of the filming crew.
When filming the first group of child actors, the second group will be the camera crew and vice versa. Basically, one team will film the other. In the end, two films of approximately 8-10 minutes will be obtained, in which both groups participated, in different capacities, so that the films will never be in competition. When team 1 was the actors, team 2 was the team filming the actors in team 1 and vice versa.
All the functions/roles of the film crew will be dubbed by a professional in the field (screenwriter, actor, director, cinematographer, sound engineer, scenographer, clapper, make-up artist, editor). The professionals will constantly guide the children’s activity, teaching them a little of the secrets of the respective job. For example, ANA will be both ACTRESS in group 1 and SOUNDER in group 2, while MATEI will be DIRECTOR in team 1 and ACTOR in team 2, and so on.
Why ADVENTURE? Apart from the fact that we are going to make a film, and that in itself can be an adventure, the main purpose of our children’s films (WATCHERS) is to return children to nature. Thus, the location, as well as the filming, will only be outdoor, and the accommodation will be in a tent. The necessary conditions are provided on site (toilets, showers).

Travel to location, accommodation and befriending; choosing the scenario; locations.
On this first day we aim to get to know each other as well as possible, see what each child likes, what skills each one has, so we can see which of the camera crew positions suits him best or which he would like the most Harder.
We have a psychologist on the team who will help us in evaluating the character, behavior, temperament of each child, so that we can guide him to the most suitable position in the film crew.
We will give all the children 3-4 scenarios from which they will choose two to film. The proposed themes will depend on the filming location, so that we exploit the advantages of the respective area.
They will be able to develop the scenario, dialogues, roles, characters by themselves.
Still alone, only guided by the production manager, they will also do the necessary production.
For the 5 sequences to be filmed, we will look for filming locations in nearby areas, guided by a location specialist, but the final choice will belong to the children. We will keep in mind not to travel long distances, so that we can fit into the shooting deadlines, considering that the script will be conceived on location.
In the filming stage, both teams will go to the locations, each sequence will be filmed by both teams in turn, without leaving the location before both teams have finished filming.
A professional editor will show the children how to edit a film. The editing will start from the 4th day and will be done in parallel, as it is being filmed.
End of CAMP
the journey at home.
The accompanying TEAM will consist of:
The rest of the team consists of:

SCREENWRITER – Popa Alexandru
DIRECTOR – Liviu Mărghidan
SECOND DIRECTOR – Andrei Ștefănescu
PRODUCER – Ruxandra Flonta
D.O.P./Making of – Mircea Valentin
SCHARFEUR – Radu Bondoc
SOUND – (direct jack and boom) – Tudor Albu
SET DESIGNER – Bogdan Ionescu
MAKE-UP artist – Raluca Moldoveanu
EDITING – Silviu Lazăr and Stanislav
Directing the viewer’s attention to the QUALITY of a cinematic product. We want it to be able to penetrate beyond a light, simple film without some solid cinematography. After these workshops, the participants will be able to evaluate: the subject, the direction, the acting, the quality of the image, the sets, the costumes, the music or the editing.
Placing the camp-workshops in a long-term, regular cycle, so long that the same children of the first editions become in a few years the professionals of some workshops where we can raise the age limit to 22 years (the age at which they will be university graduates)